07 Nov

There is no arguing that being a mom is both stressful and exciting. The life-changing moment after a baby is born is always treasured because this is the start of motherhood. Tasks of new mothers are not easy, that is why they should be prepared in buying baby clothes months before the due date.

In this article, we will introduce first-time moms in buying staple clothes all babies should have.

Kimono Tops

Homecoming babies have umbilical cord stumps that will take about 10-20 days to heal. Whether the stump is short or long, they will need loose clothing to prevent rubbing and irritation. Kimono tops, also called newborn tops, are loose t-shirts with side snaps or ties to minimize contact with the stump.


They are a complete outfit. Infant rompers, more known as onesies, are a must-have for your newborn’s wardrobe. Other than they are easy to wear, they are very comfortable for your baby. The snap at the crotch makes it easier to change diapers. You can mix-and-match with various types and designs.


Baby clothing in Singapore is usually just two types: warm and cold. This means you should ready sets of clothes per season. Nighttime is when you should both be sleeping, so you have to make sure your baby will not wake up because he or she is uncomfortable with pajamas. Sleeping clothes for baby boys are often rompers with a closed foot and baby girls wear sleeping gowns.


They are soft, stretchy, and versatile. They are great for lounging or quick walks in the baby carrier. These will keep your baby warm when the night weather crawls and cools the temperature. Plus, there are endless ways to style them.

Beanie hats

Hospital nurses will tell you that newborn babies need to wear a hat in their head. Whatever the weather, these babies get cold easily and a hat is a great way to regulate their body temperature. Make sure to buy beanie hats that are stretchy and adjustable as your baby’s head grows overtime.

Baby socks

Just like beanie hats, socks are your baby’s temperature controllers. You can find package socks deals in online baby clothes websites in Singapore. They come in different sizes depending on the age of your baby. 


Not only this completes the look of your baby when you take them for a stroll, it also protects their tiny and sensitive eyes from the sun’s strong rays. Look for lenses that offer UV protection, then let your baby wear them whether it is summer or winter. They also have kinds that have adjustable straps to prevent it from falling.

You can never be fully ready to be a mother but the best that you can do is to come prepared. This anticipation will lessen your burden once your baby is ready to come out. Do a little shopping to relieve your stress to motherhood. Find great deals for baby boy clothes in Singapore at https://www.chateaudesable.com.sg/. 

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