15 Jul

It is an invaluable experience to become a parent. However, most new-parents cannot afford to buy branded and expensive stuff for their kids like clothes. With that said, here are some ways on how to save money on kids clothes in Singapore.

  1. Never Buy Too Soon

New parents always look forward, buying clothes online for their baby in Singapore. However, buying too soon is a waste of money. You see, you will most likely receive baby clothes at your baby shower. So, only buy the essentials for your due date.

  1. Buy One Size Bigger

Babies and children tend to grow so fast that they often have outgrown their clothes. So, when buying dresses online for your baby girl in Singapore, always buy one size bigger.

  1. Opt for Gender-Neutral Clothes

Buying this type of clothing helps you save more money in the future. That way, your second-born and others can still wear this regardless of their gender. 

  1. Treat Stains Immediately

Since kids in Singapore often stain their clothes, you should know how to remove it. That way, they can still wear it and hand them down to their siblings. 

  1. Shop at Thrift Store

There is nothing wrong buying clothes for your kids at a thrift store. Sometimes, you can even find better quality clothing at lower prices. Just make sure to wash them with hot water and salt to remove the bacteria.  

  1. Consider Hand-Me-Down Clothing

Let your family and friends know you are accepting hand-me-down clothing. That way, they would not need to donate it somewhere else. Also, your children can wear new clothes for free!

Now that you have known these ways, you would not feel guilty buying new kids clothes at full prices once in a while. If you are planning to purchase high-quality baby clothes online in Singapore, check out Chateau De Sable. They always offer free delivery for orders above S$126.



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