10 Apr

Sports is something that becomes underrated sometimes. Well, indurated if you are like the usual person who would rather sleep in or become a couch potato and binge-watch a lot of series online. But let us admit, sometimes, these binge-watching series fans turn into sport enthusiasts given the right motivation, correct?

Just imagine, summer is here and a lot of people are already preparing to show off the body they worked hard for. Really, go to beaches and look at people wearing swimsuits, most of them have beautifully toned body but you should really be proud of any body type you have. However, if there is a reason we should work out, that should be to become healthy. This way, we could get rid of unwanted illnesses when we grow older, or whenever actually.

What Do I Do?

So, if you want to try on sports for fun and to be healthy, one of the most chosen is running. A lot of people love this but if you are a lady, do not think that this could be too much for you. Running is really beneficial. It is a good cardio workout, and best to help relieve stress and other body pains. But be sure that if you would try and run, you would be equipped by what is really needed.

First off, get yourself a trainer. Yes. A trainer. Running may look simple but you would need to prepare for it. You cannot go all 5k running in your first time. You would need the basic know-hows.

A good training partner is someone who could help you assess what you need and how you can do if according to your own body’s need and ability.

Second, you would need the best running shoes for womenAgain, if you really would like to do this big time, you cannot just use any type of shoes. You need a legit and foot supportive shoes made especially for women. You know, running shoes were specially designed to give ankle and foot support to get rid of sprains. And since men and women have different biological needs, their shoes are designed differently, too.  Think about women’s rocker shoes. It is somehow made with the same technology. 

Third, set a schedule. The most important thing here now is you become so consistent to get good results. You need commitment. Remember, you already have a personal coach or trainer and you already have good shoes and all the other needed materials for running safely. So, the next thing you do is to make a running plan then stick to it.

Fourth. Set a goal. Though some urge or need may push you really just go for a good run tomorrow and the next day, what would really get you going consistently is a target. It is easier to work that way when you know what you are trying to do. Keep a record of your improvement as well

 Lastly, change your diet. Yes. You better start eating healthy from then on. A good stamina comes not only from exercise but from good food, too.

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